Is truck driving right for you?

So your looking into Truck Driving? The purpose of this site is to share some experience about truck driving and how to obtain a class A License or better known as CDL.

I'm going to go over CDL Training Schools locations, cost and where you can get free training. I will ether show you where to get CDL practice testing for free or give you sample on this site.

What employment in the industry is like. Share my personnel experience with you and have other people share their experience as well.

I will also to do some real training. I think that the industry does not train drivers properly and this is another reason I'm developing this site.

There is a lot you learn on the job which can make your days challenging. I would like to make that transition easier.

Is Driving Right For You ?

What type of person are you? can you handle working long hours,driving in all type of weather conditions?

So will truck driving fit the life style you want? Let me tell what a day could be like. Your day may start at any time 2am or 5pm. From there your expected to pick up your load at a given point it may be by your home terminal or may have to drive a hour or so to get to it.

You will get loaded then head out to the delivery point and deliver. This may go very smoothly and most delivery do.

So let s go with a scenario: Lets say the trucking company your working for is in Cleveland Ohio You pick your load up on Monday and travel 6 hours to Indianapolis, Indiana. From there continue on to deliver the rest of the load and drive 5 more hours towards Dallas,Texas Having to stop in a rest area or truck stop for your 10 hour brake. After your brake continue on towards your destination. Making your delivery in Dallas on a Tuesday if the schedule was set up that way. Then pick up another load to go somewhere maybe back to your home terminal.

Driving that route you would have traveled 1,215 miles from Cleveland to Dallas including the stop in Indianapolis. A good mileage week would be about 2,200 and if you just did a drop and hook 2,500 miles a

So 40 cents a mile you could make 40 x 2500 = 1,000.00 if they pay hourly for deliveries could be more. If you feel that is OK then driving will work for you. If you prefer local jobs there out there but hard to find for a new driver. But it is possible.

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